Reasons for Being
The moment I won my first challenge on GBSB – West Africa week transformation challenge.
100 Days | 01
Stitching: MYPZ stripey crochet cardigan
Since taking part in the Great British Sewing Bee, I am awash.
I’m awash with pride for how well I did despite applying on a complete whim. Awash with frustration and disappointment that I couldn’t hang on in a little longer on a winning streak. Awash with compassion for that because it turns out competitive sewing really isn’t my thing because it makes me hurt, but healing, nourishing stitching is where my heart really is, and I am awash with wondering where to take all of this next. And there most definitely is a ‘next’.
I look at this picture of me standing next to my winning drape challenge dress in West Africa week – the first challenge I won. I remember feeling so in love with the process of making this dress, feeling so right about it – like I was dropping into a much deeper understanding of it all.
Very confident, full of conviction.
Naturally, purely happy.
This is the feeling I want to nurture.
With this in mind, I wonder about the primary reasons for my sewing life: falling into my practice as a way to nurture my heart, cultivate joy, quiet the mind and love my fellow humans.
My best, most wholehearted motivations, and the only things I really believe are worthy of sharing.
At least, that feels true for me.
{ think about: }
Be satisfied with falling into my practice
as a way to nurture my heart, cultivate joy, quiet the mind and love my fellow humans.